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El Canal del Coronel

After several years working for the largest international influencer agency (Jellysmack), I have decided to leave it to take charge of Pedro Baños' channel, a retired infantry colonel of the Spanish Army, writer, and speaker.
Despite leaving the stability of a reputable job and a good salary to work on a newly created channel with no guarantees of success, I couldn't be more motivated for this project that aims to inform, educate, and raise awareness about highly relevant topics, hand in hand with one of the great communicators of Spain.

Certainly, it is a challenge to pave the way with a new channel on such a competitive platform like YouTube, but for me, it is truly stimulating to give it a visual form and apply growth techniques and strategies acquired during these years to try to bring it to the level of the top influencers. For this, I take on all the tasks behind the channel: manager, community manager, graphic designer, video editor... with the conviction that there are missions more valuable than money or comfort.

You can follow The Colonel's Channel here:


In just a few months since its launch, the channel has surpassed 300,000 subscribers thanks to the interest in the colonel's content, the level of the guests, and the dedication to manage and generate more than 80 posts per month intensively, including regular videos, shorts, posts, and live streams. A hughe work for just 2 people, which has managed to position the channel as one of the benchmarks in its niche in record time.

Arte Pro - Online Teaching

Arte Pro is a personal initiative dedicated to teaching visual arts. Initially focused on drawing and painting tutorials with traditional techniques, it has gradually evolved to integrate digital methods and the latest technological innovations in artificial intelligence.

The project currently includes:

YouTube Channel: With over 200 published videos, it has recently reached 140,000 subscribers.

Online Courses: Currently with over 10,000 enrolled students on the Udemy platform. In addition to audiovisual teaching materials, exercises and personalized monitoring of student progress are offered.

Blog: featuring articles, tutorials, and utilities for artists and illustrators of various disciplines.

Cover Design - "Investigation PSI"

I recently had the pleasure of designing the cover of "Investigation PSI", the latest book by Manuel Carballal on the history of scientific and academic parapsychology in Spain, from 1971 to the present.

I have also created a promotional video, of which it is possible to see a sample of a few seconds below, with some animated infographics.

Best Poster Designs - DesignRush

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of creating various works for the State Puppet Theater of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Among them are some of the images I created for the play by Ctpax ("Fear"), which won 3 "Ikar" awards for best theatrical performance in the country, best music, and set design.

Now it is a true honor for me that the prestigious website has included this work in its section of the Best Poster Designs internationally. You can find this review, and the excellent work of other creators, at the following link:

You can see more works for this function and other commissions from the State Puppet Theater at this link.

Individual Exhibition - "Visions"

Tomorrow marks the opening of "Visions", an individual exhibition where I showcase some of my latest monochrome paintings.

In the exhibited pieces, I offer a personal vision of the atmosphere of some of the places where I have lived or spent long periods (Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Spain or Bulgaria, among others) through representations of objects, people, buildings, animals, and everyday scenes as symbols of different ephemeral realities.

Each piece is an attempt to capture the transience of a moment, not with a merely testimonial purpose, but to emphasize its ephemeral nature and highlight its aesthetic, expressive, and symbolic value.

It will take place in Madrid (my hometown), at the Quinta del Berro Cultural Center, from November 2 to 16.

You can see here some of my other exhibitions and projects.

Book Cover Design - "El gallego sabio"

Coming soon "El gallego sabio" ("The wise Galician"), a history book by researcher Manuel Carballal, for which I had the pleasure of designing the cover and creating various promotional videos.

Videos: Book Trailer / Promotional Clip 1 / Promotional Clip 2.

Demo Reel

I've had the honor of starting to work full-time as a video editor for Jellysmack, an agency that works with some of the world's biggest content creators.
Below is a sample of a couple of minutes of some of my personal audiovisual works:

More videos here and on my YouTube channel.

Natural Sketches

After a year in the city of Seville, I have returned to Madrid for a few months and have resumed drawing sessions from life with models at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. I go daily to make quick sketches usually from short poses, to regain some hand after a year almost exclusively dedicated to digital design.

Graphic Design Works

Since the beginning of the year, due to the pandemic, some of the artistic projects I had planned abroad have been canceled. However, despite the lockdown, I have been able to continue working as a freelancer, doing graphic design commissions from the computer. In this portfolio I have collected some of my works.

Collective Exhibition - CBA

Between September 23rd and October 3rd, a collective exhibition takes place at the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid) in which I participate along with works from other selected artists.


Arrea is a personal project of a non-existent band. It started a few years ago with the idea of focusing exclusively on the visual aspect and overlooking the musical: I designed the cover of a CD and distributed several boxes containing only blank discs inside, designed several posters for performances scheduled at non-existent venues and pasted them on walls in different cities, silk-screened fifty t-shirts with the "band" image, made stickers that I placed in public spaces, etc.

After working for different musical groups and booking agencies designing artwork and music videos, I wanted to carry out this personal project where the image had its own value and did not respond to the commercial objectives typical of the music industry. The idea was to strip the visual aspect of that more propagandistic dimension, so that these types of images did not function as a promotional resource, but that the musical aspect was, for once, the pretext for the visual.

I have gradually expanded the project, trying to be faithful to this aesthetic and the idea of keeping it without content, members, recordings, or performances, existing only as a concept. The latest work for Arrea has been the creation of this music video:

Círculo de Bellas Artes

A few months ago, I returned to Madrid after a few years abroad, so I recently resumed drawing sessions with models at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, which I attend regularly.

100 Portraits

As a personal challenge, I have set out to create 100 portraits in 10 days. To do this, I have taken references from family, friends, and people in my environment whom I have drawn in my sketchbook. I have documented part of the process in this video:

   Second part here.

"Before the absence" - Solo Exhibition

From December 18, 2018, to January 20, 2019, the works I have developed over the last 3 months are exhibited at the Tartu Art Museum (Estonia). Currently, more than 20 paintings are on display in a solo exhibition titled "Before the absence"; here is a short video of the process of some of the early paintings I did in the studio:

   More about this event here.

Tartu Artist in Residence (Estonia)

I am pleased to have been invited to participate in the long-term artist residency program TAiR 2018, organized by the Estonian Print and Paper Museum in collaboration with the Tartu City Council. I am just beginning to work on a personal project that I will develop over the next 3 months in a fantastic studio located at Tartu Art House.

More information about the project here.

Interior Model

I have recently completed the work on this model installed inside a box (10x14x14 cm), as part of my "Hierophany" project. The materials used in the construction of the model were wood, cardboard, and polystyrene, painted with acrylics.

   Video recorded from the model, for which I also created the ambient music and editing.

Hidden Ritual

In this video, I have combined different symbols that refer to the idea of "the path as a ritual," the theme of the Gorna Lipnitsa residency (BG). The design and animation of these figures are based on different signs related to the path: triangles (direction arrows), continuous and discontinuous lines (walkable and walked paths), circles (stations and cycles), and dots (current locations and destinations).

The idea of the path is shown in the form of an unknown ritual, using recurrent shapes generated without explicit meaning, lines that follow different paths and directions, figures that expand and contract to generate new geometries; all mixed harmoniously to evoke and stimulate different sensations in the viewer.

  Work done during the 2017 edition of The Old School Residency.
  Sound created by the Bulgarian artist E.U.E.R.P.I.

The Old School Art Residency

For the second time, I have been invited to participate in The Old School Residency (Gorna Lipnitsa, Bulgaria), which this year is held under the theme "The path as ritual." Apart from the artistic workshops, the residency includes performances, courses, and cultural activities around the region, making it a valuable experience based on a very particular way of understanding, making, and living art, far from conventional circuits.

For this edition, I am working on two audiovisual pieces, and I have taken the opportunity to carry out an intervention on a wall as part of my series Redefining spaces.

You can see more about this project here.

Poster Design

Among my favorite design works are posters. Occasionally, I get assignments like this one, for the upcoming concert of Russian Circles taking place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The poster has just been unveiled, and I'm delighted with the reception the design is getting, chosen by the band as the image for their European tour.

Here you can see a selection of some of my posters for concerts, exhibitions, plays, festivals, and other events, as well as some album covers.

◄ Commissioned by the artist booking company
    Bubba Booking.

Design and Multimedia Works

The design and layout of this publication are my latest work for the Youth Council of Spain. Since the end of last year, I have carried out various graphic design and multimedia works for this organization and its associated entities: logos, layout of all kinds of documents, infographics and illustrations, set design, web design, and interactive projects. Some of these designs can be found on Behance. It has been a very interesting and enriching challenge to meet the demands of such diverse assignments over all this time.

Poetry and Illustration for a Cause

I'm working on the publication "Poesía solidaria para Siria," which will be presented on July 16th during a solidarity event in the municipality of Robregordo (Madrid). The book, in which 5 poets and 5 illustrators participate, will be available for sale, and the proceeds will be donated to Proactiva Open Arms, an NGO working on the island of Lesbos (Greece) helping migrants from drowning.

The image illustrates one of Victor Reloba's protest poems titled "Religión de Mercado."
Acrylic on board.

Círculo de Bellas Artes

Since the beginning of this year 2016, I have been a member of the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid). In addition to having access to its events and exhibitions, I frequently attend drawing and painting workshops to take notes from live models.

Graphic Designer - Youth Council of Spain

Starting tomorrow, I will be working as a Graphic and Multimedia Designer at the Youth Council of Spain, an organization that coordinates, trains, and cooperates with the entities and organizations that make up the youth associative movement at the national level. It's going to be a privilege that will also keep me anchored back in Madrid after 10 years of living abroad.

Ritual Art Exhibition

I'm participating with this assemblage in the traveling exhibition around the main cities of Bulgaria, to present the Ritual Art - Time & Space project. The opening will be on November 13th at the "Art Saloon" in the city of Varna, where works by international artists who participated in the sixth edition of The Old School Residency (Gorna Lipnitsa, BG) will be exhibited.

Previous exhibitions of "Ritual Art":

11/13 - 11/26  "Art Salon" (Varna)
10/16 - 11/10   "House of the Arch. Dimov" (Stara Zagora)
10/02 - 10/14   "Cosmos" (Plovdiv)
08/22 - 08/24   "The Old School" (Gorna Lipnitsa)


Hanna Ilczyszyn, Yanyi "Sunny" Jiang, Domingo Pino, Brandi Martin, Presiana Shisheva, Mirian Kolev, Trevor Knott, Plamen Petrov, Hristo Valchev, L.Y.R.A. (Darina & Dimitar Palov), Yana Kuneva, Miriam Petrov.

The CHAOS - Risha Zine

I participate in the Egyptian zine "CHAOS" by Risha Project, with this double-page illustration. The publication features works from around 80 international artists and will be presented at the Transeuropa Festival, from October 2nd to 5th in Belgrade (Serbia).

Concert Poster Design

Lately, I've been working on designing some music posters for the band booking and promotion agency Buba Booking (Slovenia). I've had the pleasure and honor of creating works for performances by bands like The Soft Moon or A Place to Bury Strangers.


After 12 months in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria), it's time to move on. Among all the projects I've been involved in over the past year, the most frequent and intense one has been at the State Puppet Theater.

There, I've been able to discover the magic behind the stage, learn about the various processes of puppet making (small works of art), participate in set design work, and contribute my designs to give an aesthetic to some of the incredible performances staged.

My time at the theater has definitely been one of the most enriching and valuable experiences for me.

◄ Poster design for the adult theater play CTPAX
    Winner of 3 national Icarus awards.

Portrait Series

I'm working on the portrait series "Some Bulgarians Still Alive," based on the Bulgarian local tradition of displaying black and white obituaries of deceased family members in public spaces.

Oil on canvas

The Old School Art Residency

I've been selected along with other international artists to develop a personal art project at "The Old School Residence" (Gorna Lipnitsa, Bulgaria), where I've been working lately. Next week, the works created during the residency, with the common theme of "Ritual Art - Time and Space," will be showcased, and in the coming months, they will be exhibited in exhibition halls in the 5 main Bulgarian cities.

In the image are the blueprints of the mechanism I'm working on, combining natural elements with recycled mechanical components. You can watch a video of the work in progress at this link.

Exhibition - THE CABINET

I have the pleasure of curating this exhibition by the brilliant artist and good friend Agata Szymanek (Poland), which will take place at the Razlichniat Pogled Contemporary Art Association (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria). It has been a lot of effort, but everything is finally ready for THE CABINET, a spectacular installation on light panels that will open on July 20th, with the artist's presence.

Agata Szymanek Exhibition
Digital prints on light panels


"The struggle between nature and technology takes place on the battlefield of Time, the suspension produced by the fusion of two opposites generates an undefined and uncertain space where anything can happen. My desire is to invite the viewer to immerse themselves in the overwhelming atmosphere of this unique space." (A.S.)

*Cabinet: Room where a collection of curious objects or objects for the study of a science or art is exhibited.

Agata Szymanek is a young artist, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice (2009-2014) with honors, currently pursuing her doctoral studies. She has a wide artistic production, having held numerous exhibitions both in Poland - where she lives and works - and abroad.


For the second year, I am participating in the Water Tower Art Fest (Bulgaria). This 9th edition of the Festival will take place between the cities of Sofia and Pernik, from June 20th to 28th, and will feature the participation of around 60 contemporary artists from around the world.

My work for this edition is a video installation exhibited at Lavele Gallery (Sofia) titled "In the wheel"; it is presented as a particular window to the urban environment that, combining different textures, objects, and projected situations, proposes alternative links between the city and the different identities that inhabit it.

Working at the State Puppet Theater

Since I arrived in Bulgaria 8 months ago, apart from my daily work at the Contemporary Art Association, I collaborate daily at the State Puppet Theater in Stara Zagora, mainly doing graphic design commissions but also manual work, like this extruded polystyrene head that I am carving:


Currently, I am at the Razlichniat Pogled Contemporary Art Association (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria) doing graphic and audiovisual design work, and assisting in the organization and management of cultural events for a period of 12 months thanks to an SVE - Erasmus + scholarship.

Digital illustration for the Association, of the location where it is located - House of Architect Hristo Dimov

Exhibition - Povas Prie Dvaro

I am participating in the exhibition "Povas Prie Dvaro" taking place at the Manor House of Žeimiai (Lithuania), with works created during the residency: on my part, eight reliefs, some paintings, and a series of small portraits, two of which belong to these:

Participating Artists: Ahmad Zolfagharian and Bahareh Mirhadi (Iran), Aušra Kaziliunaité (Lithuania), Domingo Pino (Spain), Corinna Helenelund (Finland), Sandra Blichert Christensen (Denmark)

*In this link, you can watch a video of an intervention I made there

Art Residency "YO-YO" (LT)

I have been selected at Yo-Yo Art Residency (Žeimiai, Lithuania) to develop a series of works related to the theme of this edition: "Mysteries of Organisms". I am currently working on a series of reliefs in one of the most magical environments I have ever been in, whose atmosphere I have tried to capture in this short clip: